Friday, April 24, 2009

Another Update! I know, and its so soon too!

So, another update, because i have completely accomplished a few more things, which is awesome!

# 19 - "Learn how to do an oil change on a car" - this is supposed to be happening on Sunday, which is excellent, Jeremy and I are going to do an Oil Change on my car! very exciting

#21 - "Write a collection of Children's Books - attempt to get them published" - My mother and I have already started our first book, its called "The Easter Pig" and there will be more to this serious, very exciting

#42 - "See 10 new shows or musicals" - RENT!!!! It was a great birthday present, thank you brigitte!!! tahts three down, seven to go!

#80 - "Make my own summer Dress" - I've done it! and I made two of them!! I love them both, and I am planning on making a few adjustments to one, like adding a cute little pocket and taking it in a little around the top...yaay!

#99 - "Go Bowling with Jeremy" - DONE! we went bowling last Sunday with Eric, and Jim, and Brittney and her boys. It was great, and I was terrible, lost both games but thats okay!

Soon to come - the before the end of May things that will be accomplished, Still working on the Scarf, and Vonnegut, and I'm practicing making my Grandma's Potato Salad tonight for BBQ and Beers! we'll see how much better it is than the first two times i tried...i think i know the trick to the potatoes.. thats all for now!

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