Thursday, November 3, 2011

#25 Play a sport on a team

#25 - "Play a Sport on a team" - I have recently joined the Roc City Roller Derby League, and while I am not on an official team just yet, (try outs aren't until June) I definitely am going to say I can check this one off. I play an organized sport, and I am currently in the RocQuarry where we are known as Quarriors! We Don't Quit! So far the experience has been awesome. We have the best coach I've ever had, and are working hard to be able to scrimmage starting in March. I realized when I was gearing-down after my first bootcamp that I was officially hooked, I'm hoping to be able to become the athlete I know I can be. Who knew that hitting other girls could be SO MUCH FUN! Thats another one down...

In terms of the timeline for the list, I'm pretty sure I'm nearing the close for some of the things that are supposed to have been accomplished on the list that haven't quite made it just yet. I'm working hard on this list, and od hope to complete it soon, however, I think I might need one more summer and fall season to complete some of these things.
We do have plans to spend some time on the west coast this summer being that I have four freinds living out tehre it's almost ridiculous not to take advantage of the fact that I can stay for free wherever we go, in four different states!
That will take care of seeing Dena in AZ, and Seeing the Grand Canyon, and we'll visit Jess in San Fransico which will take care of Calfornia...basically what I'm saying is, we've got plans, I was also planning to use some back-pay that my boss owed me to buy a new DSLR, however...that money may very well go towards buying some new skates...hehe derby has taken over! maybe I can use my tax return for new camera...hmm
Well i'm working on it, and the day i finish this list, I will begin my next 101, in 1001.